第7卷 第2期
2024 / 12
pp. 91 - 134
TA CORE教學法在園藝療癒課程的應用與學習效果:以「園藝景觀療癒概論」課為例
Application of the TA CORE Teaching Pedagogy in Horticultural Therapy Courses and Learning Outcomes: A Case Study of “Introduction to Horticultural & Landscape Therapy”
林建堯 Chien-Yau Lin *
(國立宜蘭大學園藝學系副教授 Associate Professor, Department of Horticulture, National Ilan University)
黃郁琇 Yu-Hsiu Huang
(國立宜蘭大學園藝學系助理教授 Assistant Professor, Department of Horticulture, National Ilan University)
鍾若男 Ruo-Nan Jueng
(國立陽明交通大學護理學系助理教授/國立陽明交通大學附設醫院督導長 Assistant Professor, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University/Supervisor, National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University Hospital)
林建堯 Chien-Yau Lin *
國立宜蘭大學園藝學系副教授 Associate Professor, Department of Horticulture, National Ilan University
黃郁琇 Yu-Hsiu Huang
國立宜蘭大學園藝學系助理教授 Assistant Professor, Department of Horticulture, National Ilan University
鍾若男 Ruo-Nan Jueng
國立陽明交通大學護理學系助理教授/國立陽明交通大學附設醫院督導長 Assistant Professor, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University/Supervisor, National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University Hospital

本研究旨在探討TA CORE教學法在園藝療癒人才培訓中的應用及其成效,特別強調知識獲取與實地實踐的緊密結合。通過六階段教學:知識傳遞(Transferring)、吸收內化(Assimilating)、建構方案(Constructing)、實務操作(Operating)、反思檢討(Reflecting)、評價修正(Evaluating),旨在提供學生一個全面的學習體驗。本課程不僅涵蓋高齡者相關的基本知識,如老人特質及其生理心理狀態、五感體驗,還包括對象評估方法,以及方案的規劃與設計。這些內容既強調知識獲取,也重視實際應用和技能培養。研究對象為19位園藝學系大二學生,利用課堂學習與學校附近長照機構的實踐活動使其得到完整的訓練。透過課前、課後問卷、焦點訪談和觀察法,評估學習成效。根據量化結果顯示,學生在專業素養、問題思考、分享表達和方案執行方面均有顯著提升。由文本分析來看,TA CORE教學法有效增強了學生的專業素養表現,如活動設計、執行能力和學習興趣等。其他多元學習能力,如問題思考、分享表達與方案執行亦達到預期效果。然學生與高齡者溝通的能力,尤其是台語表述能力,有待進一步提升,是未來教學需強化的。總體而言,本研究初步證明了TA CORE教學法在結合知識獲取與實地實踐方面的有效性,對促進學生專業成長和社會責任意識有顯著影響。


This study aims to explore the application and effectiveness of the TA CORE teaching method in horticultural therapy training, emphasizing the close integration of knowledge acquisition and field practice. Through a six-stage teaching process – Transferring, Assimilating, Constructing, Operating, Reflecting, and Evaluating (TA CORE) – students are provided with a comprehensive learning experience. The course covers essential knowledge about the elderly, such as their characteristics, physiological and psychological states, sensory experiences, along with methods for participant evaluation and program planning and design. This approach focuses on both knowledge acquisition and practical application. Nineteen sophomore students in the department of Horticulture participated in this study, receiving complete training through classroom learning and practice at a nearby longterm care facility. Their learning outcomes were evaluated through pre- and post-course questionnaires, focus group interviews, and observation methods. The quantitative results showed significant improvements in the students’ professional competence, problem-solving, expressive sharing, and project execution. The qualitative analysis revealed that the TA CORE method effectively enhanced students’ professional competence, including activity design and execution skills, and learning interest. Other multi-faceted learning abilities, such as critical thinking and expressive sharing, also achieved expected outcomes. However, students’ ability to communicate with the elderly, especially in Taiwanese, needs further enhancement, suggesting a focus for future teaching. Overall, this study preliminarily proves the efficacy of the TA CORE method in combining knowledge acquisition with field practice, significantly impacting students’ professional growth and awareness of social responsibility.




professional competence, diverse learning abilities, university social responsibility, elderly, long-term nursing institutions