第7卷 第2期
2024 / 12
pp. 135 - 187
Effect of Innovative Use of Blended Learning on the Learning Outcomes of Students Taking the Fundamentals of Nursing Practice Course
李瑾婷 Chin-Ting Lee *
(馬偕學校財團法人馬偕醫護管理專科學校護理科講師 Lecturer, Department of Nursing, MacKay Junior College of Medicine, Nursing, and Management)
李瑾婷 Chin-Ting Lee *
馬偕學校財團法人馬偕醫護管理專科學校護理科講師 Lecturer, Department of Nursing, MacKay Junior College of Medicine, Nursing, and Management

研究者之教學經驗發現,首次學習基本護理學技術的學生,難將所學之護理技術全部給予臨床病人安全的照護環境。因此,創造新的教學策略,旨在提高護理學生應用護理技術之能力,培養學生自主學習能力及提升自我效能等為刻不容緩之事,進而有所謂「探討翻轉教學運用數位教材之混成教學」在基本護理學技術課程的自我導向學習及一般自我效能。研究對象為北部某專科學校五專二年級護理科之學生,採準實驗研究設計,實驗組共有46人,採用翻轉教學運用數位教材之混成教學,於課前學生觀看教師錄製的教學影片,並結合面對面講授、提出問題及澄清問題之混成教學;對照組共有48人,但因4人最後蒐集數據不完整,故對照組計有44人,以傳統講授進行教學。基本護理學技術採用為期8週的混成教學。使用護理科自我導向學習量表和一般自我效能量表評估學生的學習成果。在介入前、介入後第4週和第8週蒐集數據。研究結果顯示:實驗組在介入後第4週和第8週明顯高於對照組的自我導向學習及一般自我效能(p < .05)。顯示介入措施的實施,學生「自我導向學習」及「一般自我效能」均得到提高。「混成教學」對學生的學習動機產生正向積極的影響,並有助於基本護理學技術課程中取得更好自主學習的精神及提升自我效能。


Students acquiring basic nursing skills face challenges in applying these skills to provide safe patient care in clinical settings. Therefore, a new teaching strategy was developed to enhance the nursing practical abilities of nursing students and foster their self-directed learning skills and general self-efficacy. This quasi-experimental study explored the effect of blended learning, specifically 8-week flipped teaching using digital materials, on the learning outcomes of students taking the Fundamentals of Nursing Practice course. This study included 94 nursing students; they were divided into experimental group (blended learning; n = 46) and control group (n = 48). However, four students were subsequently eliminated from the control group because of incomplete data. Learning outcomes were evaluated using the Self-Directed Learning Instrument (SDLI) and the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES). Data were collected before the intervention as well as 4 and 8 weeks after it. The results revealed that students’ scores on the SDLI and the GSES after the intervention of 4 and 8 weeks were significantly higher in the experimental group than in the control group (p < .05). Overall, the intervention enhanced students’ learning motivation, thereby enhancing their self-directed learning skills and general self-efficacy.




fundamentals of nursing practice, blended learning, general self-efficacy, self-directed learning, digital audiovisual teaching materials